Teleflora's Garden Girl Bouquet
Fun and feminine, this hot pink bouquet is reminiscent of a spring garden party with friends! Stunning roses, delicate alstroemeria and dramatic snapdragons are hand-delivered in a classic cube vase lined with a green leaf - a surprise gift that'll touch...
Teleflora's Embrace Happiness Bouquet
Send a cuppa cheer with this happy surprise of colorful roses and blooms in a smiling ceramic mug they can sip from for years to come. Peach roses, hot pink spray roses, lavender alstroemeria, light yellow carnations, purple button spray chrysanthemums...
Happiness in a Vase Bouquet
Happiness in a Vase Bouquet is an adorable vase adorned with ten vibrantly colored Gerbera Daisies. Color of Gerbera Daisies may vary. Local delivery only.
Teleflora's How Sweet It Is Bouquet
How sweet it will be when this dazzling arrangement arrives at someone's door. Very vibrant. Very vivacious. And very, very pretty. Light orange roses, orange spray roses, and matsumoto asters, hot pink miniature carnations and more are delivered in a...
Floral Snack Basket
The yummy Floral Snack basket is perfect for birthdays, celebrations or just because. Let us know the recipient's favorite convenient store chocolate bar and we will try our best to include it in the basket. Local delivery only.
Tie Dye Snack Basket
The yummy Tie Dye Snack basket is perfect for birthdays, celebrations or just because. Let us know the recipient's favorite convenient store chocolate bar and we will try our best to include it in the basket. Local delivery only.
Teleflora's Sweet Tranquility Basket
A basket full of bright blossoms will deliver the warmth of sunshine even when the skies seem gray. This beautiful gift will be appreciated for its life-affirming brilliance and your thoughtfulness at this time. 16" W x 13 1/2" H
Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet
There are probably a million reasons this is such a popular bouquet. Of course, there are probably just as many reasons to send this cheerful arrangement. Full of happy flowers, this ceramic happy face mug will bring smiles for years to come. Especially...
The Candleberry Candle Arrangement
LOCAL DELIVERY ONLY. (SCOTT COUNTY, NORTH LEXINGTON (40511)) It's two wonderful gifts in one. A warmly scented Candleberry Candle (made locally in Frankfort, KY) adorned with flowers on top. Perfect for any occasion. Candle and flowers will vary...