Teleflora's Divine Peace Bouquet
An elegant display of faith and divine peace, this beautiful arrangement will comfort the bereaved in a truly thoughtful and respectful way. An exquisite crystal cross is surrounded by a bed of lovely blossoms. It is sure to be appreciated and always...
Teleflora's Beautiful Heart Bouquet
An elegantly unique expression of your deepest condolences, this majestic mix of crème, white and lavender blooms includes fragrant roses and lilies to refresh and rejuvenate their spirits. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel sculpture -...
Teleflora's Guiding Light Bouquet
Peaceful and majestic, a graceful angel rests amongst fragrant, snow white roses, alstroemeria and stock - a touching tribute to a bright life and your unending support. 13 ½w x 14 ½h
Serenity Prayer 30" Sonnet Windchime
Our 30" sonnet chimes have 5 heavy walled, center pinned tubes that emit deep tones. All aluminum construction, durable powder coated and anodized finish, and strung with industrial cord. Each chime has an adjustable striker. Tubes are 7/8"...
Old Rugged Cross Tapestry Throw
A tapestry throw is a lovely gift or memorial tribute displayed on a 48" florist wire easel with a coordinating colored bow.
Dish Garden
Offer comfort to friends and family. This beautiful remembrance arrangement showcases fresh flowers with various green plants. Colors and Basket will vary. Small $45. Medium $65. Large $85.